Many of these pieces are in the works. Some are complete. As time progresses these will be updated.
A little time doodling with pen & ink, and colored pencil show the results of a fabric design idea.
Sketchbook pages offer interesting insights. This is an exerecise in working with letters. Created awhile back, several are coming to life (see below).
When I was creating the 2.5x3.5" ATC, as a practice piece, I realized it could be a "3", "B", or ?. Do not see it as a "2" now. Oh well. It was only a little practice piece.
This bearded lizard was a fun pen and ink. I began adding color with colored pencils, and need to finish it. It shows the pointilism and scribble art I love to work in. Mixed media, approximately 10x14".
This was the stage exhibit at the entrance to the San Diego County Fair in 2007/8(?). I was waiting for a dear friend, Bobbie, and had time to begin it. I can fill in some of the details yet, but will have to make up the bottom completely. I wonder if it will detract. Watercolor.
Zentangles are fun to play with. This is one of the many crosses I enjoy doing.
The glare off the wax pencils (bloom) will be removed with a gentle rubbing, and the clouds at the bottom will appear as the ones above the mast. I need to find my photo reference to get the lines from the masts correctly placed. With a bit of cloud work, it will be completed. Colored pencil, approximately 14x20".
This is an older colored pencil piece. I had hesitated to share it, because it seems too simple. Approximate size 10x14".
What does an artist do when waiting for a husband to return safely from Afghanistan? Wait. Wait and draw/sew/paint/do photography, and more. Graphite, approximately 12x16".
A dear friend from Canada, Terry and I went to visit a Girl Scout camp in Utopia, Texas. I have visited and taught along side this river many times. This time there was water to cover the dinasour tracks in the bottom. The view is across from Council Rock, a wonderful place for campfires for many generations. I miss this place so much. I shared many wonderful memories there with my daughter.
See. I told you I would do those sketched letters in various forms. In the sketchbook (above), this was fairly complete. It is on an ATC (Artist Trading Card) and measures 2.5x3.5". Graphite on bristol.
Playing with fiber is one of the most fun aspects of art. Inchies are a concept I did not think of. The red square on point is the inchie. Remnants of some really cool quilting fabrics were put to good use on this little book. It still has only imagination for pages; but, eventually they will be there in fact. Simple and plain has never been my style, so there will be other flourishes added as this book is completed. Watch for it to evolve. Mixed media, approximately 2.25x4x.5".
This is mixed media, pen & ink and watercolor, plein aire piece. It was created long ago, and only recently came out of its frame for better photography. Approximate size 14x20. Montezuma's castle is fun and easy for me to replicate in many art forms. It repeatedly returns to my collection of finished works. Although it appears tight and detailed, it is worked very quickly and loosly. I think it took maybe 20 minutes to do this piece.
Created 10 years ago, this piece sits idle. It was created using a .005 Micron Pigma pen on Stonehenge. Approximate size is 8x12". The area I cleaned the fuzz off the pen nib cannot be removed. I love these beautiful birds. They belonged to my sister, Michelle. Perhaps someday there will be an editing trick I will learn to upgrade the digital image and then I can print it. We'll see.
When listening to very dry lectures, I tend to doodle. To keep my mind on the subject, I often translate it into a drawing. I like where this started, and will someday figure out how it should finish out. It is about Paul's letter to the Seven Churches, in the New Testemant. This photo is too blurry (thanks to rainy day), and will eventually be updated, when completed. Graphite, approximate size 10x14".
I share my initials with an "adopted" daughter. This was her Christmas present, which she has yet to claim. I need to get it matted in black matboard, and to her. It is a white gel pen on black paper (archival), zentangle.
One summer allowed time for a trip home. Our grandaughter got to come back and spend the summer with us. This sketchbook entry was done along the road. Approximate size 12x16", graphite on Stonehenge.
This is just the way this little doodle is angled on the corner of a sketchbook page. It is only about 1.5" square. Pen & ink.
On the north side of Austin, is a restaurant overlooking a canyon creek. While waiting on some of the best BBQ around (mmm, I miss that), I did this. Approximate size 10x12, graphite.
Turtles are a major issue in NE Florida, as they are in many places along the east coast. This is a quick doodle to practice scribbling texture. I liked the results enough to photograph it. Colored pencil on black paper, approximately 8x10".
While in Old Town Quebec, a dear friend, Terry, hosted us at an old hotel. When the drizzle began, the umbrellas in front of the cathedral below our window came out. My husband and Mr. Terry were out tending to matters, and while waiting this colored pencil was drawn. One more corner of umbrella, and it is finished. I should get around to that soon. Approximate size 10x12".